• Pregnancy Quiz


Am I Pregnant?


If you are wondering, “Am I pregnant?” you can read the signs that your own body is already giving you.

Please take this early pregnancy quiz for help.

Period icon

1. Have you missed a period?


Missing a period is a common sign of pregnancy, but it can also be caused by other factors such as stress or changes in your schedule.

Spotting icon

2. Have you noticed spotting and cramping?


Spotting and cramping can occur in early pregnancy due to implantation, but they can also be symptoms of other conditions.

Breast tenderness icon

3. Are your breasts tender or swollen?


Breast tenderness and swelling can be early signs of pregnancy, but they can also be related to your menstrual cycle.

Fatigue icon

4. Have you been feeling more tired than usual?


Increased fatigue can be a sign of early pregnancy due to hormonal changes, but it can also be caused by other factors.

Nausea icon

5. Have you been feeling nauseous or vomiting?


Nausea and vomiting are common early pregnancy symptoms, often referred to as morning sickness.

Frequent urination icon

6. Have you been experiencing frequent urination?


Frequent urination is a common early sign of pregnancy, caused by hormonal changes and increased blood flow to the kidneys.

Mood swings icon

7. Are you experiencing mood swings?


Mood swings can be caused by the hormonal changes that occur in early pregnancy, but they can also be related to other factors.

Food aversions icon

8. Have you developed food aversions or cravings?


Food aversions and cravings are common in pregnancy due to hormonal changes affecting taste and smell.

Headaches icon

9. Have you been experiencing headaches?


Headaches can be a symptom of early pregnancy, often caused by hormonal changes, stress, or fatigue.

Dizziness icon

10. Have you felt dizzy or lightheaded?


Dizziness or lightheadedness can occur in early pregnancy due to hormonal changes and changes in blood pressure.

Another way to determine if you are pregnant is to take an over-the-counter pregnancy test.  Home pregnancy tests claim to be 99% accurate, but there is a slight chance that they can be wrong, which is called a “false positive.”  A false positive may result if the fertilized egg is no longer attached to the uterine lining or from side effects from fertility drugs or problems with your ovaries. There is also a chance for a false-negative result. This can happen if you take the test too early if you use the test kit incorrectly, or if you have diluted urine. Reading and following the directions precisely will reduce the possibility of this happening. Center of Hope will give you a free and confidential clinical-grade pregnancy test with more accuracy.

Thank you for taking this quiz. We hope that it has helped you and given you some of the information for which you are looking. If you would like more information, contact:

Phone | (601) 469-1230
24/7 Hotline | (800) 712-HELP (4357)

Fill out my online form.

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